Sometimes, things are exactly as they appear. I pulled down a long gravel driveway in the woods. The driveway stopped about 50 yards from the house, and there was no clear path
to the home. It seemed odd, but I thought it was probably just a vacation property or something used for hunting. So, I grabbed my tools and started walking towards the home. About halfway there, the customer came running out of the house screaming, "stop right now!" I immediately stopped in my tracks and explained who I was. Their response was, "you need to be real careful because there is a live electric wire around the house." I was dumbfounded. It wasn't as if there was livestock to keep in the property lines. This was a wire about 15 inches off the ground. The only realistic reason it is there is to keep people out or at least slow them down. I carefully stepped over the wire and entered the home. Immediately upon entering was a full wall up to the second floor, that was filled with every brutal hand to hand combat weapon you could think of. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I just couldn't bring myself to ask about the electric line, but it was brought up in conversation. I specifically remember them saying, "we used to have it crossing the river too but some kayakers ran into it." I didn't get much more to the story and just wanted to make a quick exit. Turns out I had to order parts and come back a few days later. Upon my return, I noticed the front door was open. I assumed they just saw me coming. When I exited my vehicle, two dogs came charging out of the home. I love dogs. I mean, like really love them, but this was different. There were no dogs in sight on my first trip there, and given the rest of the security measures, I jumped back into my van. One of the dogs was right outside my door barking and growling. I tried calling the customer and beeping my horn but was met with radio silence. After about 15 minutes, I left. Later, I would get a call from the customer. They explained they had bought a new machine, no longer needed the repair, and their dog would definitely attack me. That means they left the door open. Nobody was home. They just felt confident they had enough in place to safeguard their house, and that was one of the strangest places I have ever been.